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(Version 1.1 - Not Released)
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===Version 1.4 - Released 2014-07-22===
Read on [[ChartView.History]]
**Compatible with Xojo Web Applications
===Version 1.3 - Released 2014-04-25===
**Chart Type: Scatter
**Chart View is now Retina compatible.
**Animation is optimized and works on MacOS
**Drawing optimizations
**Smoother drawing on Windows
**Display a Linear regression line on Scatter charts (TrendLine)
**Display a Moving Average line
**ToCSV with empty data
**LoadFromListbox when no data was previously loaded
===Version 1.2 - Released 2013-11-27===
**Chart Types: ComboChart, PieChart, DoughnutChart, RadarChart
**Improved HelpTags and LineSmooth performance
**AnimationFinished event
**Empty value is not treated as 0 but as missing value.
**Logarithmic (base 10) scale on Vertical Axis
**ChartSerie function Average, to calculate the average value of the Serie.
**ExportGraph function, exports the Chart in the passed picture. This can be used for Sparklines
**StartAnimation now takes a AnimationType property. Check the ChartAnimate constants.
**BackgroundAlternate constant
**ChartSerie TotalValue property, the sum of all values.
**TypeColumnStacked with negative values and transparency.
**Improved speed of drawing Area charts up to 60%
===Version 1.0 - Released 2013-05-06===
First public release of the ChartView
**Chart Types:
***Column, ColumnStacked, ColumnStacked100
***Line, LineStacked, LineSmooth
***Area, AreaStacked, AreaStepped
===Version 1.0 - Released 2013-05-06===
First public release of the ChartView
**Chart Types:
***Column, ColumnStacked, ColumnStacked100
***Line, LineStacked, LineSmooth
***Area, AreaStacked, AreaStepped

Revision as of 13:43, 4 September 2014


Animate CrossesBetweenTickMarks Marks
AnimationHorizontal DataLabel MonthNames
AnimationTime DayNames Plot
Axes DefaultColors Series
BackgroundColor Freeze Title
BackgroundType LastError Type
Border Legend
BorderColor LegendPosition
Continuous LiveRefresh

AddMark Redisplay
AddSerie setDataLabel
ExportAsPicture setDefaultColors
Init setTransparency
LoadFromCSV StartAnimation
LoadFromDB ToCSV

Shared Methods


Read on ChartView.History


Defining the default colors

The default colors for each Chartserie is entirely customizable.

  • The quick way:

In the ChartView.open event use one of the following lines:

me.setDefaultColors = me.PaletteGoogle
me.setDefaultColors = me.PaletteOffice2010
me.setDefaultColors = me.PaletteWindows8

  • The advanced way:

In the ChartView.open event:

Redim me.DefaultColors(-1) //Deleting all DefaultColors
me.DefaultColors.append &cFF0000 //red
me.DefaultColors.append &c00FF00 //green
me.DefaultColors.append &cFF0000 //purple
  If f is Nil or f.Exists = False then
    MsgBox("Ressource files are missing")
  End If

Changing display options when loading Data

When using one of the following functions:

  • LoadFromCSV
  • LoadFromDB
  • LoadFromListbox

The ChartView automatically refreshes the display.
If you need to edit the display before refreshing, you can use the Freeze property to prevent refreshing:

me.Freeze = True //This freezes the display until you unfreeze it
//Edit the ChartSerie colors
For i = 0 to Ubound(me.Series)
  If i = 0 then
    me.Series(i).FillColor = &cFF0000
  Elseif i = 1 then
    me.Series(i).FillColor = &c00FF00
  Elseif i = 2 then
    me.Series(i).FillColor = &c0000FF
//And so on for all series
  End If
Next i
//Edit the Y Axis
me.Axes(1).MinimumScale = 10
me.Freeze = False //Unfreeze the display
If me.Animate then
End If

See Also

ChartAxis, ChartHelpTag, ChartLabel, ChartLine, ChartMarkLine, ChartPlot, ChartSerie classes.