Difference between revisions of "CalendarView"

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m (1 revision)
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|class=titleClass colspan=3|Properties
|class=titleClass colspan=3|Properties
|width=33%{{Property | name=FullRefresh | type=Boolean | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=AdaptWeeksPerMonth | type=Boolean | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=Border | type=Boolean | description=If true a Border is displayed around the CalendarView | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=FirstDate | type=Date | description= | readonly=yes | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=MyColors | type=Colors | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=MyStyle | type=Styles | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=DayNames(7) | type=String | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=Border | type=Boolean | description=If true a Border is displayed around the CalendarView | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=MonthNames(12) | type=String | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=Freeze | type=Boolean | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=DisplayDate | type=Date | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=SelStart | type=Date | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=ViewType | type=Integer | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=ColorWeekend | type=Boolean | description=If True, the Weekend will be colored with MyColors.Weekend color. | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=ScrollPosition | type=Double | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=minHGap | type=Integer | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=ViewDays | type=Integer | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=ViewType | type=Integer | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=SelEnd | type=Date | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=CreateWithDrag | type=Boolean | description=If True, the user can create a CalendarEvent by dragging the mouse. | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=SelStart | type=Date | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=MonthNames(12) | type=String | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=FirstDate | type=Date | description= | readonly=yes | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=LastDate | type=Date | description= | readonly=yes | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=DayEndHour | type=Single | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=AdaptWeeksPerMonth | type=Boolean | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=ScrollPosition | type=Double | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=FirstDayOfWeek | type=Byte | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=Freeze | type=Boolean | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=DayNames(7) | type=String | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=MyStyle | type=Styles | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=Style | type=Integer | description= | readonly=yes | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=minHourHeight | type=Integer | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=DragEvents | type=Boolean | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=DayStartHour | type=Single | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=minHGap | type=Integer | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=WeekHeaderTextFormat | type=String | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=DisplayWeeknumber | type=Boolean | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=minVGap | type=Integer | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=DisplayDate | type=Date | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=ColorWeekend | type=Boolean | description=If True, the Weekend will be colored with MyColors.Weekend color. | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=DragOffset | type=Integer | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=YearHeatMap | type=Boolean | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=DisplayWeeknumber | type=Boolean | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=CreateWithDrag | type=Boolean | description=If True, the user can create a CalendarEvent by dragging the mouse. | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=DayStartHour | type=Single | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=DayEndHour | type=Single | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=DragEvents | type=Boolean | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=ForceAM_PM | type=Boolean | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=Style | type=Integer | description= | readonly=yes | newinversion=}}
|width=33%{{Property | name=WeekHeaderTextFormat | type=String | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
|width=33%|{{Property | name=DragOffset | type=Integer | description= | readonly=no | newinversion=}}
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|class=titleClass colspan=2|Methods
|class=titleClass colspan=2|Methods

Revision as of 19:13, 29 April 2012


Displays a Calendar in several formats (Year, Month, Week, Day, ...) that presents CalendarEvents. This custom control based on a Canvas is similar to iCal on Mac OS and Google Calendar.

AdaptWeeksPerMonth FirstDate MyStyle
Border Freeze SelStart
ColorWeekend minHGap ViewType
CreateWithDrag MonthNames(12)
DayEndHour ScrollPosition
DayNames(7) Style
DayStartHour WeekHeaderTextFormat


ToDo list

ToDo list Month view -Setting for Month title position in Month view -Select element and delete it with Backspace or Delete ??

Week view -limit amount of day events -Force AM/PM -DayStart time -DayEnd time -> NightColor -minHourHeight <-> DisplayXXHours

Year view -Double click on month to display it in month view -Color days with amount of events per day (Yellow to red)



      • Version 1.1 - Not yet released***

New: -TypePicker -SelStart, SelEnd to set the selected dates in the CalendarPicker -DayStartHour, DayEndHour -ForceAM_PM -Style Property -StyleOutlook2010 constant -WeekHeaderTextFormat -

Fix: -Several graphic enhancements -Colors in StyleDark -Day names on Mac OS

      • Version 1.0.3 - Released 2012-04-11***

New: -StyleDefault, StyleICal, StyleGoogle, StyleDark class constants -ImportFromDB function -ExportToDB function -RemoveEvent now has a RemoveFromDB property.

Fix: -CalendarView not updating after AddEvent

      • Version 1.0.2 - Released 2012-04-03***

New: -StyleDark -DisableDrag is replaced with DragEvents and CreateWithDrag

Fix: -Day background color not filling the box in TypeMonth -Time background color not displaying in TypeWeek -Resizing event to make a 15 minute event in TypeWeek -TypeYear not displaying non-day events -OutOfBoundsException in DrawTime on Mac OS -Drawing long event in TypeMonth that finishes on last day of week

      • Version 1.0.1 - Released 2012-04-02***

New: -DisplayWeeknumber As Boolean -MyColors.WeekNumber -MyColors.WeekNumberBackground -Day name is displayed inside the month grid for iCal style. -Drag events in Month and Week view to change start date/time -Resize event in TypeWeek -HeatMap in TypeYear -SetLength Function in CalendarEvent -VerticalGap and HorizontalGap properties for TypeYear -New Event "DragEvent". Fires when a CalendarEvent is dragged or resized

Fix: -Selected background color in month view if MyStyle.MDayNumberPos=1 -Day events in TypeWeek not aligned properly

      • Version 1.0.0 - Released 2012-03-30***