Xojo Desktop Bundle

Xojo Desktop Bundle is a set of 12 Xojo controls for all your Mac OS, Windows and Linux Applications.
All controls come with 6 months of free updates.

BBCode Label

An advanced Retina Compatible text control to replace the regular Label. Adds advanced styling capabilities.

Color Wheel

The color wheel displays all HSV colors. It Replaces the default RealBasic color picker.

Exif Reader

Exif Reader is an utility class to load and read EXIF data from JPG and TIF images.

Property Listbox

A highly customizable list of properties. Display any type of property and interact with your application.

Ribbon Control

A Tabbed Toolbar that automatically resizes according to available space. Comes with several themes.


An easy to use slideshow control to display animated pictures in your Xojo apps.


A powerful StatusBar control to display additional information in all your Applications.


A horizontal and vertical Toolbar with the same features as the Toolbar used in RealStudio.

Tree View

TreeView presents a hierarchical view of information. Each item can have an infinite number of subitems.

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